Category: Traffic law

Loss of use (also) in case of billing “according to expert opinion” and reimbursement of repair confirmation

In a (legally binding) judgment obtained by us from the 12.04.2021, Az. 23 O 899/20the Regional Court of Schweinfurt commented extensively on questions relating to loss of use in the case of fictitious settlement (i.e. without submission of a repair invoice) as well as the reimbursability of and requirements for a repair confirmation: Loss of

OLG Bamberg: Violation of half right of way in “right before left” results in 25% co-liability rate

In a court case following a traffic accident, the apportionment of liability was in dispute. The opposing insurance company denied liability – as a result, our client was (only) awarded a liability rate of 75% in the appeal proceedings before the Bamberg Higher Regional Court. It is undisputed that our client committed a right-of-way violation