Category: Traffic law / Civil

Regional Court Schweinfurt on total loss: Residual value offer of the insurer is irrelevant if the vehicle continues to be used

Some legal issues appear to have been clearly clarified by case law. However, this does not prevent individual liability insurers from wanting to “test” their limits here too. In the present case, the opposing liability insurance company simply ignored such clear case law, including that of the Federal Court of Justice – so legal action

Loss of use (also) in case of billing “according to expert opinion” and reimbursement of repair confirmation

In a (legally binding) judgment obtained by us from the 12.04.2021, Az. 23 O 899/20the Regional Court of Schweinfurt commented extensively on questions relating to loss of use in the case of fictitious settlement (i.e. without submission of a repair invoice) as well as the reimbursability of and requirements for a repair confirmation: Loss of