Please provide all the information you have regarding the traffic accident and also use the free field “brief description of the course of the accident” for this purpose. For example, indicate here whether you intend to have your vehicle repaired and whether you may need a rental car. If you do not fill in a field, we assume that you do not have the corresponding information.
Do you want the invoices we receive to be transferred directly after we receive payment from the insurance company? If yes, please indicate this in the field “brief description of accident”, preferably with the abbreviation “ÜW RE: Yes”. If you do not wish to do so, please transfer the invoices yourself upon receipt and notify us of any payments made by you.
“Brief description of accident” is a free field where you can submit additional information. For example, indicate here whether you intend to have your vehicle repaired and whether you may need a rental car.
“Owner of the damaged vehicle” is regularly the person who purchased the vehicle, paid the purchase price or to whom the vehicle was given as a gift.
For “Vehicle type”, it is sufficient to specify the manufacturer and, if applicable, the series.
“Deductible” means that the vehicle is a business asset and the costs incurred for it are reported and reimbursed on the input tax return.
“Personal Injury” is to be year if there have been injured in the own vehicle.
If you have any questions, please just give us a call!
Privacy Notice:
Personal data is collected and stored as part of the processing of the mandate. I agree to the collection and storage of my data, in particular within the framework of the processing of the mandate in accordance with the order. Insofar as I provide an e-mail address, I agree – revocably – that electronic communication with me as well as with third parties will be unencrypted. The use can be objected to at any time without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs according to the prime rates.